Access for Action Uganda (ACFA) Uganda anon governmental organisation emerged as a result of informal discussions and sharing of experiences between disabled and non-disabled community development workers who then were attending a training course at the Institute of Adult and Community Education, Makerere University in 2009. The disabled participants testified to the extent that development efforts had failed to respond to the development needs of the disabled community. One of the reasons for the lack of disability programming was attributed to lack of appreciation of the role and impact that this distinct vulnerable population—people with disabilities and their families—had on advancing the development process. It was observed that development partners in Uganda required support for including the marginalized communities in decision making, strengthening management capacity, and accessing current information on disability and development trends and best practice. It was further noted that given the opportunity, development partners could advance an inclusive development process by providing the marginalized groups and their communities with the opportunity to participate and be engaged as leaders in the development process. This opportunity had yet to be offered to the majority of communities in Uganda.
ACFA Uganda is at the fore front of community livelihood project in support of her activities in all communities of Nangabo subcounty Wakiso district.